Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Here we go again

If you haven't noticed, I have a love/hate relationship with blogging. 

Reasons I love it:
1.  It helps me with my writing.

2.  It allows me to collect my thoughts

3.  It's a mini time capsule to show exactly what I was doing on what day.

Reasons I hate it:
1.  Every little insecurity comes out and I start to think, "oh crap, some student/ old high school classmate/ old student/ parent/ old boss will read this and think I'm a nerd/ weirdo/ loser."  OR  "oh crap, what if I have bad grammar and they realize I'm a fraud?"

I'm going to try to get over my insecurities and write a little here and there.  It will not be constant by any means, but at least it's something.  Especially now that I'm about to have a baby, I want to document SOMETHING!

That's all for now.  I will write more later.