Friday, August 1, 2014

Time goes by...

Today marks the last weekend of summer...for teachers at least.  Next week we will be back into planning, organizing, and meetings. 

It is 10am, and I'm still in my PJs.  I figure the chapter of my life where I can sleep in, sit around in my PJs, and watch mindless TV is going to be completely over in approximately 2 months, so I better enjoy it while I can.  I'm probably too old to be doing this any way.  I should be cleaning, balancing a check book, and preparing our family dinner like a normal adult.  Maybe later...

So, as I'm sitting around watching mindless TV, I came across Laguna Beach.  Classic.  It's been 10 years since that show came out and I LOVED it.  It got me thinking about how much has happened in 10 years.  So much has changed.

I didn't go to my high school reunion.  I'm pretty sure it was held in a barn...I'm not sure...but I'm not kidding.  It's small town, what I can I say?  Anyway,  I can't imagine stepping back into that place and time and seeing those people.  I've changed and I don't want to be reminded of who I was 10 years ago.  Not that my past was bad, it's just so removed from where I am now.  It got me thinking about all of the people who have come in and out of my life.  I don't regret any of those people from my past, but I'm so happy with who is in my life now...and who is going to be in my life in the VERY near future. 

Yesterday, I spent time with some really good friends here in Houston.  I love that God blessed me with these people, my tribe.  I love that we can laugh and raise babies together and work together and worship together.  It's just perfect.

I'm really not sure how long I will have these friends in my life.  If somewhere down the road John and I will move back to Wisconsin or Michigan and then be removed once again from this moment and these people.  But for right now, it's just perfect.