Monday, December 19, 2016

Simonis Christmas, Monday, December 19, 2016

We are finally in Gaylord, Michigan.  You are probably thinking of Meet the Parents right now, I know, but it is a beautiful town.

Traveling was....well traveling....

Maybe you can learn from our mistakes?  Never mind, it was just one mistake...

1.  We over packed.

The minute my amazing friend, Dena, dropped us off, things went badly.  I left John in the dust to take care of 7 heavy bags because it was cold outside and I was worried about Diana.   

I rushed inside, while John was struggling, and the line for tickets was I freaked out and got in line right away with Diana.  John is outside still struggling.

I'm trying to wait patiently in line with Diana, but in the meantime, Diana discovered a defibrillator.  She opened a door and set off an alarm.  I closed it right away, but yeah, that was fun.  John was still outside struggling with our enormous bags. 

When John was finally able to make it in, Diana was not having this whole wait in line crap, so we tried strapping her in to her umbrella stroller.  That was a no go.  She still found ways to maneuver out of it.  Her body went limp about 30 different times.  It was a great family memory.

We finally get to security, and security stops us.  We had "bulky backpacks" so yes, we are terrorists with a two year old.  Waited for 30 minutes for security to finally determine that we were not ISIS and we were free to go.

Diana wasn't having any of this crap either, so I am doing my best Disney princess voice, trying to get down on her level and say, "LOOK AT THE PLANES!" She's ready to run away with another family to a tropical destination.

I finally turn on my teacher voice and say, "THAT IS ENOUGH" and she calmed down for exactly one minute.  By that point, security was finally saying we were free to go.  As we are walking to our gate, Diana is throwing her baby doll that she decided to take like a football.  She could seriously not care if this baby doll lived or died.  Every minute I'm having to pick baby doll off the floor, as I am holding Diana's hand, and carrying her backpack and mine and pushing a stroller.

Dena pointed out to me later that I should have just put baby in the stroller and had Diana push it, but it was done at that point.  While D wasn't looking I threw the baby in the trash.  I am a horrible mother.  She has not complained or noticed its absence, so I don't feel so bad.

*****************Take a break here if you are sick of reading************************

 Airplane went fine.  No drama there.  We left the umbrella stroller at the gate because Diana was NOT having it, so buh bye Walmart stroller.

Midway Airport, we had a plan.  John was to get the rental, while I watched Diana.  It took about an hour to get the rental car, because it's Chicago and Chicago SUCKS...there, I said it.

Anywhozile...Diana wants to touch and talk into every payphone at Midway terminal.  You know the scene in Elf where he eats the gum off the handrails?  It felt a lot like that.  You KNOW there are germs on those phones, but the kid is happy, and it kept her occupied for 45 minutes, so whatever.

The only time I had a minor heart attack is when John called to say he was pulling up.  I was holding on to Diana's hand, and I told her to put her other hand on the iron fencing that we were next to so we would say in one location.  Well, she somehow found a way to crawl in between two fence posts as I was talking to John and not watching her for 30 seconds.  I knew at that moment, I would be the mother on the 5 o'clock news who had to have the Chicago Fire Department cut her stuck kid out of a fence.

I was able to get her free, with no crying, and meet John at the car.  From that moment, to the car, I put my glasses in the car door, but I completely forgot.  Half way to Gary, Indiana, I'm crying my eyes out because I knew I left my glasses in stupid Chicago, and it was just a lot, and OMG.  So, yeah.  That wasn't needed, because John found them when we got to my sister's house.

This is all to say....Diana actually did really well.  She had one MINOR tantrum, but besides that, she was laughing and having fun the whole time.  John's a saint.  I'm a mess, but what else is new?  It's been worth it so far.      


Friday, December 16, 2016

Simonis Christmas (2 days out)

This is a small snapshot of what we need to take and still have yet to pack for our family survival and sanity on this trip.  The rest of the list is in John's head, and John makes sure it's all taken care of.  I let him do his thing in that regard, and he never lets me down.  He takes care of the logistics.  I write/blog/skip through flowers.  This is our relationship.

To Pack (Not Completed List)

Carry on Cold Weather Bag
John: Hat, jacket, gloves, scarf
Mallory: Hat, Jacket, scarf, gloves, fleece leggings, long sweater
Diana: Hat, gloves, fleece blanket, backpack

(Obviously we are preparing for snomageddon)
Vacuum Seal Bags
Diana Headphones
Diana tootbrush/toothpaste
Pampers wipes
Baby soap

Ibuprofen/pepto bismol

Makeup sponges
Elf makeup (I'm not dressing up as an elf, I mean the cheap dollar makeup that makes me feel less like a troll.  Treat yo' self.)

Shaving supplies

Diana’s Breathing treatment and medicines/childrens tyenol/ thermometer

Misc stuff for backpacks
Phone chargers
Car Charger

The list is MUCH longer in reality.  We still need to pack all of our clothes, and Diana's, and there will probably be more stuff added along the way.  Tomorrow, we are dropping our dog, Kelly, off with a coworker, I am getting my hair cut, we shop for our last minute things, and then WE ARE ON OUR WAY!  Ready or not, let's do this.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Simonis Christmas (5 days Out)

Update:  ALL presents for nieces and nephews have been purchased, we are still able to pay our bills, and we are still a day away from pay day.  Win.

Tried going on Pinterest for some "travel tips with a toddler."  Immediately overwhelmed with all the things, so I simplified it.  Went to the Dollarstore for paper, crayons, playdoh, two toy dinosaurs, some goldfish crackers, and the applesauce that looks like astronauts could eat it in space.

Now, I am training my child to lug a backpack like a little Sherpa because girlfriend needs some basic survival skills on this trip.  We will work on keeping pants on later.

Monday, December 12, 2016

Simonis Christmas (The Preface)

In order to calm my nerves regarding the fact that we are about to embark on a Christmas "vacation" where we will be traveling in some form for roughly 18 HOURS of this "vacation," WITH A TWO YEAR OLD, I figured I would write about it.

Consider this my survival log/wilderness journal.  I'm not being dramatic about this at all, (yes I am) but I am totally going to write in the most dramatic fashion possible.

Right now we are less than a week out.  We have nothing packed, but we have bought the essentials.  We will be going from 70 degrees to 12.  There is supposed to be a snowstorm before we arrive.  We haven't driven in snow in about 4 years.   I am left to wonder are we the only idiots on this planet who would make this journey? No way of knowing.

Tonight we will be buying our nieces' and nephews' Christmas presents and having them shipped.  One less thing to keep track of.

Signing off for now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

31 Things

In honor of turning are 31 things I'm thinking about, mulling over, on my mind in no particular order.  I have never been more unclear about what or where I will be a year from now and it's freeing, but it's also terrifying.  30, you were great, but I'm excited to see what my next 30 hold as well.  Either way, here's to 31. 

1.  The world is crazy.
2.  I miss being up North.
3.  Uncertainty thrills and terrifies me.
4.  Unsure if true, sincere girl relationships exist. 
5.  People are crazy.
6.  Nature is good for the soul.
7.  I am closest to God while in nature.
8.  I wish I could experience more.
9.  Diana is going to be just fine.  She is God's constant reminder, I am not in control and He has her, not me.
10.  I want to learn more.
11.  I need to be near water wherever I land.
12.  I want to be more vocal about my opinions, but I still have a need to please.
13.  Doubt is my Achilles' heel.
14.  Will MKE still love us?
15.  We have been gone so long I am wondering how much has changed.
16.  I would like to live closer to nature and not be surrounded by concrete.
17.  I pray we are doing enough and everything right for Diana.
18.  Landslide is a great song.   
19.  What will this world be like with Trump in office?  Nothing political about this, just wondering how it will go. 
20.  I miss learning for the sake of learning.  I wish I would have appreciated it more.
21.  Have I made a difference yet?
22.  I miss the seasons.
23.  I want to live simply and good.
24.  Losing John or Diana is my biggest fear.
25.  People change.  It's a lie that they don't.
26.  Life moves quickly.
27.  I'm excited for Christmas
28.  I'm thankful John is with me on this journey.
29.  Wondering what the next chapter will be.
30.  Thankful that things are continuing to look promising and good.
31.  Slowing down, removing technology, staying present is becoming more and more important.

That's all I got.  It's random, it's probably nothing, but this is what this old lady is thinking about now.  Who knows what the future holds, but hopefully it will turn out all right.

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Baby, I'm a dreamer

In my sweet, sweet, little crazy head...I have a list of things I would like to do before I kick the bucket.  My favorite reality tv show was about these privilege white dudes going around and completing random tasks before they died while fulfilling other people's dreams as well.  If anyone knows anyone who could give me THAT job, that would be great. 

ANYWAY, one of my dreams is FRIENDSGIVING!  In my head this is what it will look like:


In reality it will probably look like this:

So, we are going forward anyway.  John's saying the bugs will be horrible and we need to do this all inside.  In the meantime, I'm doing my best to keep my expectations in check while still trying to make things look cute.  We will see what happens. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

HA! To my last post...

Did you read that post from December 31, 2015?  Wasn't I cute?  Here's the deal.  Life comes fast and furious and pausing to find purpose in all this craziness is impossible. 

Diana is growing up too quickly, John and I are growing restless to see and be with family, and in the meantime we are all standing on the precipice of one building looking to leap and parkour ourselves to the other side.  Unfortunately if we miss, the way down is going to hurt, so we feel really stinking comfortable on this side of the building right now.  Anyone with me on this extended metaphor right now?  No?  Ok.

Either way, it's difficult keeping our feet planted and staying present.  I wish God was the giver of instant answers.  But, sometimes He goes radio silent and you're left to once again trust that He's still somewhere around here working on something.  Who knows. 

I know He's there, but like a child I'm pouting because He's not moving quickly enough for me or my family.  It'll all work out in the end, and not knowing the ending is what makes the story more exciting.