Wednesday, November 16, 2016

31 Things

In honor of turning are 31 things I'm thinking about, mulling over, on my mind in no particular order.  I have never been more unclear about what or where I will be a year from now and it's freeing, but it's also terrifying.  30, you were great, but I'm excited to see what my next 30 hold as well.  Either way, here's to 31. 

1.  The world is crazy.
2.  I miss being up North.
3.  Uncertainty thrills and terrifies me.
4.  Unsure if true, sincere girl relationships exist. 
5.  People are crazy.
6.  Nature is good for the soul.
7.  I am closest to God while in nature.
8.  I wish I could experience more.
9.  Diana is going to be just fine.  She is God's constant reminder, I am not in control and He has her, not me.
10.  I want to learn more.
11.  I need to be near water wherever I land.
12.  I want to be more vocal about my opinions, but I still have a need to please.
13.  Doubt is my Achilles' heel.
14.  Will MKE still love us?
15.  We have been gone so long I am wondering how much has changed.
16.  I would like to live closer to nature and not be surrounded by concrete.
17.  I pray we are doing enough and everything right for Diana.
18.  Landslide is a great song.   
19.  What will this world be like with Trump in office?  Nothing political about this, just wondering how it will go. 
20.  I miss learning for the sake of learning.  I wish I would have appreciated it more.
21.  Have I made a difference yet?
22.  I miss the seasons.
23.  I want to live simply and good.
24.  Losing John or Diana is my biggest fear.
25.  People change.  It's a lie that they don't.
26.  Life moves quickly.
27.  I'm excited for Christmas
28.  I'm thankful John is with me on this journey.
29.  Wondering what the next chapter will be.
30.  Thankful that things are continuing to look promising and good.
31.  Slowing down, removing technology, staying present is becoming more and more important.

That's all I got.  It's random, it's probably nothing, but this is what this old lady is thinking about now.  Who knows what the future holds, but hopefully it will turn out all right.