Saturday, November 22, 2014

Right On the Nose...Frida

Diana got her first cold this week.  After mildly freaking out and thinking we would have to go to the hospital and I was the worst mother ever, I calmed down.  I realized this cold, like many other things, is out of my hands, and she's going to be ok.  I brought her to the doctor just to be safe.

While at the doctor, I was told we were doing everything we could--humidifier, baby Vick's, snot sucker thingy, smaller amounts of formula more frequently, basically she confirmed I'm the best mother ever.  But then I received the worst news possible:

"I know this is kind of gross, but a lot of moms are saying it's amazing, you might want to think about getting the Nose Frida."   Oh. Em. Gee.

John and I were introduced to the Nose Frida when we were registering for the baby shower.  A nice lady led us around "Buy Buy Baby" and promptly pointed out this little machine that's supposed to be all the rage.  Our first reaction, and I'm not kidding, was "oh, ________ naw."  Fill that in that blank with what you believe should go in there.  You may get a better idea of the vocabulary used when you see this picture that gives you a better idea on what the Nose Frida is:

You can begin gagging now.  That is an actual mother SUCKING THE SNOT OUT OF HER BABY!  There are many things wrong with this picture.

1.  Mom is joyfully sucking the snot out of her baby like it's a milkshake. (I can't even.)

2.  Baby is enjoying this process.  (Diana would be screaming and scratching at my face.)

3.  Matching outfits.  (I literally can't even.)

So John and I went on our way scanning and laughing about this snot straw.  We called all of our friends and showed pictures.  Then a crazy thing happened.  When we showed our parent friends and, THEY SAID IT'S AWESOME.  We were stunned.  They said it's the best product and there is a "filter" and supposedly "nothing gets through" but I was still not buying it.

But, here is the power of peer pressure people.  So many people were saying this was awesome we were thinking WE were the crazies who needed to have a snot straw in our lives.  We might be bad parents if we are not inhaling the boogers for our baby.    

Then I got the word from our doctor.  The Nose Frida is the best invention in the world.  Oh. Em. Gee.  I called John.

"We need the Nose Frida"
"I think so... the doctor said."
"You're doing it."

Thank God for my sister.  I called her to let her know it was going down and we HAD to buy the nose sucker.  

"Ror, we are buying the Nose Frida"
"Oh my God, you CAN'T"
"We are"
"I'm puking right now"
"I'm a bad mother if I don't"
"I'm vomiting just thinking about it.  I didn't even use those bulb things for my girls.  I can't even."

That was all I needed.  I'm standing my ground.  The Nose Frida is disgusting and I'm not mom enough to be a human mucus drain for my child and that's ok.  So, the moral of the story is... do what you do.  If you are the kind of parent that sucks snot out for your baby, bully for you.  For now, I'm just going to use the bulb thing and call it a day.  In the end we are both getting the job done.  Also...babies are disgusting.  



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