Friday, August 7, 2015

Water the darn flower

A great and wonderful woman by the name of "The Pioneer Woman" once said...

Whether you write a sixteen-paragraph essay about the cosmic implications of a free market system, a one-paragraph description of what happens to your soul when you walk into your godforsaken laundry room, or a simple photo and caption, consider your blog a precious bloom that requires daily nurturing.  And watering.  If you water a plant once every two weeks, it will shrivel.

So, here I go.  Here is my feeble attempt to water this darn flower.  I'm a terrible gardener metaphorically and realistically speaking.  Seriously, this is my real garden, which is probably how my blog looks right now too.... 


So let's do this thing!  For real.  Let's create and talk and share.  It's going to take some time and watering, but let's do this!


  1. Good for you! Thanks for validating the "photo with a caption" format. It ain't much, but for now, it's the only type of blog I'm able to "water" regularly. It's nice to have actual archives, even if it's short stuff, rather than months of next to nothing. That always got me down.

  2. Heidi! Thanks so much for the encouragement. Your blog is adorable! With littles it is SO hard to keep up with long thoughts on life. Right now my thoughts are usually, "seriously, you pooped again?" Picture and caption rocks. Thanks again for the words of wisdom and excited to keep up with your life too!
