Monday, October 7, 2013


 So, I figured since everyone hates Mondays anyway, (myself included), I might as well change my outlook on it and write little letters of things I'm thankful for.  Jimmy Fallon does it, so I can too!  So, Thank God it's Monday!

Dear Brene Brown,  I love you.  Please let me be your apprentice and learn everything from you ok?  Ok.  Your writing and courage are inspiring.  If you haven't seen her TED talk yet, watch it, then read her books.  Brene Brown TED talk

Dear Alterra I-refuse-to-call-you-Collectivo-coffee- Coffee, Thank you for getting me through the day.  If you ever want to move to Texas, feel free to find a spot right by my house on the way to school.  I miss you so much and I'm glad I have a pound and a half bag right now to at least get me through January.

Dear Kelly (the dog), thanks for always coming upstairs and cuddling with me right before we have to wake up, and when we do have to wake up, you always come right next to me and hug me.  You seriously hug me.  You are a dog, but you give the best hugs, thanks.

That's all I have for now.  I'll work my way up to 5 next time.  In the meantime, to whoever reads this, I hope you're finding things you're thankful for as well!  It's a good day.

  (Kelly the dog, I love her.)

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